Hello mate

This document is a user manual to Vikas Prasad. It documents how I operate, and the purpose of the doc is to make the collaboration between us super smooth. I am learning every day, so this is going to be a living doc. I will keep editing it based on the new practices that I start following and removing off any obsolete information with time. 🌟

Why the need for this doc?

I started as an IC at Fyle, went ahead and started mentoring interns, then mentoring and leading junior folks, then managing senior folks. Over time and with people, I have seen myself communicating(or assuming to be already known by my reports) similar pieces of information. That's where the need for this doc 📄. I want to document it all so that I can reuse it with any new person I start working with + I can explicitly add those points, which I always "wished" my reports understood, but I never communicated it to them.

About myself

I work as an Engineering Manager with Fyle. In one line, my job is to make my reports successful.

Apart from work, I am fascinated by adventurous activities 🐅. I also like to explore new places and experiences a lot, and I like to learn new stuff. I like having a couple of morning hours for myself - it could be anything like meditation, a walk, run, strength training, swimming, rock climbing lessons or any other physical activity. In my free time, I sometimes read, sometimes listen to music or read lyrics, sometimes tease my cat etc.

If there is one superpower I could have, I would want it to be able to communicate verbally with any living organism - not just humans (imagine conversing with that centuries old tree and knowing what all it has seen - best historian ever).

If I had an infinite supply of money: a) I would be moving from place to place exploring new experiences b) I would be learning new skills all the time c) I would be helping others with whatever skills I possessed.

If I were a song, I would be https://open.spotify.com/track/1c97hmN3Z064RQZTvCfM84?si=87e90b8d9b384ad3

If I were a dance, I would be https://youtu.be/nYh-n7EOtMA

If I were music, I would be https://youtu.be/-PL00SCVBZE?si=J88BHxLN-A-C6k8M

I firmly believe hard work beats talent and consistency beats hard work. I am fortunate that I am working with Fyle - one of the reasons for that is that a lot of the values that Fyle as a company live by resonates well with me.

One thing I cannot say no to is a supple invitation to a TT match.

What is my job and how do I work?

As mentioned above, the simplest definition for my job that I follow is making my reports successful(which in turn makes me successful). I also like to look at it with this analogy where I consider you an elite sportsman, and myself as the manager of that elite sportsman. Your job: to perform. My job: to help you perform your best - making sure you have all the resources in place to best play your sport 🏅.

This mindset helps me cover everything else: the delivery of initiatives, communication with other teams, roadmap plans, estimates, planning around potential dangers, finding new team members, maintaining team health etc.


I truly hate notifications(from any application - work or non-work). They are interrupt-driven, unpredictable and directly attack my attention 🔔. This means I have prepared my own guards around it. What does it mean for you?